“A B S T R A C T Keywords: Climate change, Tipping points, Global warming, Climate models, Climate projection Guy R. McPherson a, Beril Kallfelz Sirmacek b, James R. Massa c, William Kallfelz d, Ricardo Vinuesa e Climate models are developed based on well-established […]
Phys.org: Arctic climate modeling too conservative, says new research
“Climate models used by the UN’s IPCC and others to project climate change are not accurately reflecting what the Arctic’s future will be. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg argue […]
All global warming predictions are infallible… until they’re not
By Rex Murphy. There is a disturbance in the troposphere, much perturbation. The little Gore molecules that do so much to keep everybody in the climate change industry in a […]
It’s more than just climate change – inequality, consumption, population
Population, inequality and consumption need emphasis. A new scientific paper by a University of Maryland-led international team of distinguished scientists, including five members of the National Academies, argues that there […]