Dr. Ryan Katz-Rosene asks whether there any point to taking ‘personal action’ for the sake of the climate? Do such voluntary acts have any real material climatic impact? Using the Flying Less Movement as an example, he models how individual action on climate change can serve as an integral ‘first step’ towards changes at higher scales of the collective. He argues that since climate action is a multi-scalar and iterative process, personal actions have an important role to play (particularly for the world’s wealthiest individuals)–even if, ultimately, collective action is fundamentally required.
Link to ZOOM Chat during presentation…
Bio: Ryan Katz-Rosene is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa’s School of Political Studies, with affiliation to the Institute of Environment. His work examines a range of climate policy debates (in the transport, agriculture and energy sectors, namely) through an ecological political economy lens. He lives on a family farm near Wakefield, Quebec.
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