What we are trying to do is change thinking processes of the 2nd level from the top, and then hope this change will be enough to lead to new ways of acting/doing things. However, we do not challenge or alter the processes of the bottom two layers. We don’t get it yet that the ontological and epistemic (O/E) presuppositions of systems seeing/imagining and thinking are dramatically different from the O/E presuppositions that are the default ways of knowing and imagining in modern techno-industrial (MTI) cultures. In effect, our established MTI culture have very effective rejection capacities that ensure that we cannot successful graft the foreign concepts of “systems thinking” on to an MTI consciousness or culture.
Link to | Cultural paradigm models
A serious cultural paradigm change is change at all four levels. Such work is hardly on our agendas. We are so deeply and unconsciously committed to 1st Enlightenment ways of knowing and doing that we have almost no capacity come to see why our MTI world is so sticky. It is not just about human greed. Nor is it just about the MPP and evolution. Rather, it is about our deep formation by the MTI ways of being in a world known, conceived, and constructed as if reality is pieces not wholes; as if “systems” are simply human projections on to a fragmented reality. This can be seen daily by simply looking around. We are being promised that we can have an MTI future if only we invest enough in becoming sustainable. Even the degrowth folks are within the MTI ways of knowing, seeing, thinking, and doing. They are simply more realistic about the chances of keeping the present growth game going. They know it can’t. However, degrowth is not yet serious about the degree of wholesale change we are destined if we are to have any chance of survival as a species. Nor is the Club of Rome (COR).
Might CACOR take up this challenge?
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