Speaker: Ruben Nelson
Topic: What Can We Make of the Alberta Election? Implications for Canada.
Time: Jun 28, 2023, 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Is the political froth that marks Alberta politics today, just froth? Or is it a sign that we are into deeper trouble than our leaders seem not to understand and certainly do not acknowledge nor address, at least in public? If the latter, where is the trouble we see in Alberta leading us? Why? Why now? And what does all this imply for our future? These are the issues Ruben will chew on with us.
Ruben was born and raised in Calgary, and educated at Queen’s University, Kingston, Queen’s Theological College, Kingston, and United Theological College, Bangalore, India. Today, Ruben is the Executive Director of Foresight Canada. For over six decades, Ruben has taught philosophy and comparative religion, worked for Pierre Trudeau, helped formulate Canada’s policy on Multiculturalism, and been a leader in the Canadian Association for Futures Studies, the International Association for Humanistic Psychology, the World Futures Studies Federation and the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science. Ruben is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and the World Business Academy. He is a Director of CACOR.
This presentation was utterly fascinating and extremely important; we very much think alike.