1. Role of climate blended finance and the NGFS in greening the global financial system [page] 2
2. Learnings from past blended finance projects: What went well and what did not [page] 4
3. Building a mature climate blended finance ecosystem [page] 4
4. Principles and practices to scale up blended finance [page] 5
“…In particular, global climate finance currently amounts to only a fraction of the financing needs despite considerable funding amounts committed by governments globally.
“Additionally, EMDEs [Emerging Market and Developing Economies] , which account for two-thirds of global carbon emissions and are particularly vulnerable to climate hazard, face a host of daunting cyclical and structural challenges. High inflation and the ongoing global monetary policy tightening have exacerbated structural headwinds for climate financing in EMDEs…
“Avoiding fragmentation of global capital markets and regulatory approaches is paramount. Toward this end, there is a need to harmonize minimum reporting requirements for all stakeholders using reliable and comparable information (including that coming from transition plans) with some form of common finance reporting standards (including for blended finance structures and deals) that can be used for measurement, monitoring, verification, and impact assessment.
“A larger risk-sharing engagement by MDBs [Multilateral Development Banks], combined with greater risk appetite and additional resources, would go a long way in supporting risk mitigation and rapidly scaling up climate blended finance in EMDEs.”
Read the full article here. (A Downloadable PDF copy of the full document is available at that link.)
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