1995 Series 1 Number 15 Page 1
Dr. Umberto Colombo (Italian National Council for Economy and Labour) explained his thoughts about the need for a comeback of nuclear power. A nuclear comeback, together with efforts to promote and diffuse high energy efficient technologies, and to develop and diffuse renewable energy sources, would be a pillar of an energy policy worldwide that would allow sustainable development. The conditions for that were explained, including the need for better technology; better waste management; streamlining of designs, permits, and factory production of reactors; a more level playing field to determine pricing of other sources of electricity, and a carbon tax.
Mr. Colombo was a member of the Italian National Council for Economy and Labour. He was past chairman of ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (1983-92), and head of the Italian Ministry of Universities, Science and Technology (1993-94). He was also past chairman of the Aurelio Peccei Foundation, of LEAD Europe, and of the scientific boards of ENI-Enrico Mattel Foundation and the Italian Institute for the Environment. He was also governor of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
[Dr. Colombo died in 2006. Ed.]
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