“Small wonder, since half of them (48 per cent) say humanity is doomed. Those are just a couple of findings from new research out of Lakehead University surveying Canadians aged 16 to 25.
“If you’re in that age group, or have young people in your life, the results probably echo your own experience. No matter your age, if you’re tuned in, some degree of dread probably is your experience…
“It truly is Generation Dread, the title of Britt Wray’s incredibly useful book. If you’re looking for resources to manage your own mental health, or to help others in distress, her book and substack newsletter are real gifts — a rare blend of open-hearted reflection and scientific precision…
“‘It’s not a question of mental illness, Wray told me last year. Ecological distress is a perfectly sane response to our predicament.
“’Maybe the problem is people who are not feeling eco-anxiety,’ she says…
“”Dread is a resource floating freely in the air, and it’s this generation’s job to capture it’…”
Read the full article here.
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