Topic: “Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay – More Fun, Less Stuff”
Speaker: Mike Nickerson
Time: Sep 22, 2021 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Link to ZOOM Chat during presentation…
- Change the World I Want to Stay On (1977)
- Planning for Seven Generations (1990) and
- Life Money & Illusion Living on Earth as if we want to stay (2006) second edition (2009), French edition 2017.
Since “Life, Money and Illusion” was published he has been touring the country introducing the Question of Direction. The program encourages people to think and talk about how we might adapt now that we touch planetary limits and the expansion of human activity is becoming ever more problematic.
Nickerson contends that when we collectively acknowledge that our planet has limits and accept responsibility for living within them we are fully capable of redirecting our efforts and securing well-being for the next seven generations and beyond.
To support his study and writing habit Mike designs and builds custom furniture.
His talk is titled “Living on Earth as if we want to stay.”
Mike Nickerson, author of “Life, Money & Illusion”, explains how our changed relationships with the Earth requires a different approach to mutual provision (the economy).He describes time-tested biological processes and how re-integrating with them can secure long-term well-being.
Children grow; adults, not so much. The human family has reached physical maturity and, as with individual maturity, accepting responsibility for our strength is accompanied by the vast opportunities of adult life.
By adapting society’s economic metabolism to our new situation, many problems can be solved. Humans are capable of great things. Join us for a look at how a shared vision of the new goal can lead to a sustainable future.
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