Eighty buildings in Ottawa, including the Parliament Buildings, are served by the ESAP (Energy Services Acquisition Program) district energy system. The current heating and cooling system was built between 50 and 100 years ago and is out-of-date. The system connects to 5 central plants using over 14 kilometres of underground piping. The system provides heating by steam and hot water and cooling by chilled water. Many of its parts are becoming unusable. In the same way that you might replace an old furnace in your home with a more energy-efficient model, we are modernizing the system to cut GHG and save money. Operations and maintenance of the district energy system will continue through 2055.
The video below shows how the Energy Services Acquisition Program will modernize the system that heats and cools 80 federal and non-federal buildings in the National Capital Region and how it will help the government to meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its own operations by 40% by 2030.
Learn more at the source (Public Services and Procurement Canada)
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