Speaker: Lierre Keith
Topic: Bright Green Lies.
Time: Sep 6, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Once, environmentalism was about saving wild places and wild creatures from destruction. Now, it’s about finding a new power source to continue their destruction.
The “bright greens” believe three lies: that industrial civilization can be sustained if we simply switch fuels; that alternative energy can power industrial levels of consumption; and that green energy is benign to the planet. None of these are true.
Nothing but the energy density of fossil fuel can ever power industrial society. And worse, each so-called “green” technology, from source to disposal, is a trail of devastation across open-pit mining, clear-cut forests, acid rivers, dying oceans, poisoned children, and everywhere species pushed toward extinction. These technologies aren’t green: they are blood red, rooted in extraction, dependent on diesel, and swollen with greenhouse gasses.
It’s still possible to repair the damage to the earth but any solution that doesn’t aim to stop the destruction is no solution. This is a call to our once and future movement to remember its original source before it’s too late: love for our planet, our one and only home.
Lierre Keith has been a radical feminist for 40 years. She is the author of seven books, including The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability, which has been called “the most important ecological book of this generation.” She is coauthor, with Derrick Jensen and Max Wilbert, of Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It. She lives in northern California with giant trees and giant dogs. She’s also been arrested six times for acts of political resistance.
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