The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, MP
Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada
House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0A2
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Dear Minister Wilkinson,
Congratulations on the production of “A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT AND A HEALTHY
ECONOMY: Canada’s strengthened climate plan to create jobs and support people, communities
and the planet.”
The Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome wish to congratulate you
and the Prime Minister on your commitment to “Deliver on Canada’s G20 commitment to phaseout
all inefficient fossil fuel subsidies by 2025.”
Subsidies can be a way for governments to achieve their policy objectives but, in the case of those to
fossil fuels, make it harder for Canada to meet its climate goals. Ending fossil fuel subsidies will, on
the other hand, enhance the commercialization and competitiveness of clean technologies thereby
helping to ensure Canada meets its international climate obligations.
While we applaud the federal government’s intent, and urge you and your colleagues to proceed
without delay to end fossil subsidies, we are left wondering as to the meaning of the term ‘inefficient.’
As such, could the Government please clarify the intent of the word ‘inefficient,’ and explain
what parameters will be used to determine which subsidies are inefficient and which, if any,
are not?
We look forward to your reply.
Most sincerely,
Ms. Jean Dougherty
Chair of the Board,
Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
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