Part 1: An Intro Into True Science and Hydrogen, the Cheapest and Best Wasteless Fuel
Author: Niki Chelu, Toronto.
This research looks at how, through the proper knowledge and truthful application of science, the current energy sector must be totally eradicated and replaced with and by a wasteless one.
If humankind is to progress to the next level of evolution, it must act fast before the Planet is mutilated and hurt to the point of becoming unable to sustain life.
Humankind, perhaps in its ignorance, forgot or lost its place in the order of evolution and thinks and acts only in light of immediate, illusory gains.
My paper doesn’t just propose an alternative vision, it asks that we all effectively discard old habits and start work immediately on achieving a sustainable, wasteless new world civilization.
This paper is the first in a series of papers introducing the reader to concepts I work on in my quest to rehabilitate science to its correct foundation.
We exist in a 3D Holographic ElectroMAGnetic Universe, part of a InfiniDimensional MultiVerse.
I present you a reality of Space that is in equilibrium and on equal footing with the Matter that so flawlessly intertwines with it.
In this reality I plan to re-introduce you to a well-known, yet abandoned, fuel: Hydrogen.
The following short synopsis hopefully will clarify Space and Matter for you.
Aristotle considered Space as finite & absolute, Time as absolute and Matter as absolute thereby God had no power on Space, Time & Matter.
However the Aristotlean God had the power as Prime Mover of everything (Matter).
Newton stated that Matter moves in nature not because of God but because of the inherent nature of Matter by which Matter attracts other Matter.
Basically from the time of Aristotle until 1905 Space was considered as absolute & finite.
Finite Space means that the UniVerse has boundaries, so according to the Law of Gravitation the stars/galaxies at the periphery of the UniVerse should be attracted towards the Central UniVerse and according to the 2nd Law of Motion these peripheral stars/galaxies should accelerate towards the Centre of the UniVerse to finally collapse there.
Thus Finite Space (the nature of space known at the time of Newton) and Law of Gravitation are contradictory.
Newton assumed that our Sun is fixed in the Heavens, yet under his own Laws the rest condition of any celestial object is absolutely impossible.
Having rejected the Descartes’ Æther (to reject the Quintessence was, and still is to this day, the biggest mistake ever of the classical false-science community) and assumed the Space as vacuum, Newton stated in the 1st Law of Motion that objects with uniform (linear) motion face absolutely no resistance and in the 2nd Law of Motion that objects pose resistance to the change in motion which he represented by inertia or mass.
Newton assigned no physical reason to this resistance to the change in motion and it is at this point that the philosophy (the Love of Wisdom) was sacrificed in favour of fast rewards from the erroneous scientific community (the Worship of Ego).
It’s also very interesting to mention that physicists, as of today, still don’t know what mass really is & where it is in the particles.
The implementation of Newton’s Laws, coupled with the rejection of Descartes’ Æther were the greatest scientific errors in the history of science.
Newton introduced irrational & incorrect laws which closed the doors of investigation into physical reality of the Universe by rejecting the existence of Æther which together with the Nature of Light contains the Secrets of Physical Reality of this 3D Holographic Electromagnetic Universe (part of the ∞ MultiVerse construct).
It is already very well known (if you didn’t know by now, you know now) that Newtonian laws cannot be and are not correct as explained by Mach and others.
Later, Einstein had to introduce very confusing artifices to correct a bit these misleading laws.
And now that Einstein’s name was mentioned: a paradigm of physics was defined by Einstein under which the four constituents of the Universe were reduced to two namely Space-Time concept and Matter-Energy transmutability.
In this scenario Space is emergent, Matter & Energy is absolute and transmutable and Time is emergent and interconnected with Space.
There is no clue as to physically what is Light/Radiation.
Yes, Einstein, too, did not have a clue what is Light at the causal level!
Philosophically, for the Love of Wisdom, for anything to exist, including God, there ought to be two basic requirements namely Space & Substance (Matter).
Both, Newton and Einstein, not to mention the others, had rejected Æther before introducing their theories and work.
Yet Æther has been shown to be existing and containing the Secrets of Light & Time.
As soon as Æther is accepted to fill up the Space, the electric dipoles can be explained and explain how things truly function.
Æther is responsible for the ways in which the Forces of Nature are transmitted at any distance and for any duration through Fields without knowing the physicality of the fields.
Time (I personally prefer the term Duration rather than Time) is emergent & relative depending upon motion of the observer.
Matter is emergent and not absolute.
Summing it up…
Aristotle’s State of Existence:
– Space: absolute & finite;
– Time: absolute;
– Matter: absolute;
– Light/Radiation: not known.
Newton’s State of Existence:
– Space: absolute & finite (same as Aristotle);
– Time: absolute (same as Aristotle);
– Matter: absolute (same as Aristotle);
– Light/Radiation: Light is a wave-motion with corpuscular property.
Einstein’s State of Existence:
– Space: emergent & interconnected with Time;
– Time: emergent, relative & interconnected with Space;
– Matter/Energy: absolute & transmutable;
– Light/Radiation: Wave-motion with no clue as to what is Light/Radiation physically.
True Science’s State of Existence:
– Space: emergent & infinite;
– Time: emergent & relative, depending on the motion of the observer/body with respect to Æther’s frame of reference;
– Matter/Energy: emergent & infinite;
– Light/Radiation: an Electromagnetic occurrence of the electric dipoles of Æther creating a generation-regeneration motion.
Light does NOT travel.
And now let’s remember Hydrogen, the cheapest and best wasteless fuel.
Hydrogen, the lightest element in the Universe, is the most plentiful substance that the Sun generates in its outer atmosphere, and the most plentiful of the outer atmosphere, beyond 30 km.
Our oceans are inexhaustible storehouses of passive Hydrogen, which can be regenerated to active Hydrogen.
To this day the classical science establishment does nothing to change the situation except maintain its point that once our planet’s coal, oil and natural gas will be exhausted we will switch to solar, wind, tidal energy, etc.
Classical science’s lack of vision fails to see the unlimited supply of Hydrogen, the best and cheapest fuel the world has ever known.
Do you now start to realize what the developing of Hydrogen-based technologies would mean to the World?
Please let me stimulate your imagination by picturing an airplane producing its own fuel, as needed, while flying, from the air around it, in the location previously occupied in the wings by the kerosene fuel tanks.
Nature, including the current locality that I generically call the 3D Holographic Electromagnetic Universe derive from the infinite number of expansion and contraction cycles, fractally inscribed within one another in a mental array of relationships.
Nature is the composite sum of these patterns that generates and regenerates all material & non-material manifestations of the Universe.
The expanding Force of these cycles is Yang, Electricity, Day, +, Active, Shininess, Male, etc.
The contracting Force of these cycles is Yin, Magnetism, Night, –, Passive, Darkness, Female, etc.
Hydrogen-based tech could be here within a year or two if it were not for the tremendous resistance set up by classical science establishment to the most obvious simple truths of Nature, which don’t require copyrights.
The development of wasteless technologies will solve the concern over energy resources of all generations to come.
Bio: The author is a natural philosopher, illuminate, lecturer, and engineer who studies Light, because Light is all there is.
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