Paul Koch, CACOR member, reviews the book “Burning Souls”.
Dear Friends:
Below is a note that I sent to David Chernushenko after reading his creative book Burning Souls. I encourage you to read David’s book..
Best to you all, Paul
The note to David:
I have completed reading Burning Souls. What a work it is! – requiring the ultimate in imagination, creativity, dedication, and knowledge of a host of things related to the environment and the world at large. I can’t imagine how you were able to keep all of the ideas, plot, and dialogue among the various characters from getting all mixed up. It does leave the reader searching for answers to many questions that arise, both related to the environment and to the behavior of people. There seemed to be a lot of crimes committed for which there were no legal implications?
Reading the book reminded me of my attendance at the Stockholm Conference in 1972. So I have dusted off my report, scanned the original to a PDF document and attached it for your review. I think you will realize in reading it, why I have been so involved in environmental activities for many years. I hope you find it interesting.
Just as with Burning Souls, where one is left to wonder where things will go next for the actors involved, the UNCED report leaves us wondering where our planet might go? In 1972, Climate Change was not in the lexicon and now 47 years later it has become the rallying point for environmental action and sustainability initiatives. I certainly find it scary for our children and grandchildren – time will tell what happens!
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