Another and more interesting alternative, however, is whether there are completely new technologies in the offing that could be used as a substitute for fossil fuels — possibly even in time to mitigate the effects of climate change and eventual fossil fuel depletion. Although it may sound far-fetched to many, from time to time, new technologies are discovered and developed which change civilization — think steam, electricity, internal combustion, or electronics.
Currently there are two alternative technologies which seem viable and could be on the market in the next few years. These are Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and Brilliant Light Power’s (BrLP) SunCell (Link…) . Both of these technologies have been under development for years, but are based on scientific principles not as yet well understood and controversial. Despite the lack of a well understood scientific basis, both seem to work as has been verified by experiments going back many years. The controversy surrounding these technologies accounts for the lack of publicity in the mainstream media.
While many are frustrated at the seemingly endless delays in bring these new sources of energy to the place where they can produce useful energy, it should be remembered that we are dealing with technologies that are based on science somewhat beyond our knowledge and understanding of nature. Given the potential of Brilliant Light’s SunCell technology or various LENR project that are underway, they are well worth waiting for given the current outlook for the world’s climate and energy supply.
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