Everyone should consider the ethics of having children on an overpopulated, climate-disrupted planet.
Today’s post is straight from the Population Media Center. It touches on several aspects of why population growth continues, and ends with a podcast. Enjoy!
“On any given day, there are usually dozens of pertinent articles that might be worthwhile to share on the PMC Daily Email. Today, rather than selecting one, I’ve listed five teasers and excerpts that might be of interest to you.
The first four essentially cover some of the basic drivers of ongoing rapid global population growth: stupidity (the politician that wants a larger constituency); pro-natalist interpretations of major global religious texts (hats off to the Kenyan reverend trying to promote vasectomy); a lack of financial resources (the Zimbabwe government is on course to completely run out of family planning funds in 24 months); and, of course, myths, fears and misinformation about the utility and safety of modern contraception (the listed story is from Liberia, though it might have been from almost anyplace in the world).
The final entry is a recently released podcast produced by World Population Balance, where Dave Gardner is now executive director. The title of the podcast is “Our Moral Obligation to Conceive Just One Child,” and features Travis Rieder, bioethicist and author of Toward a Small Family Ethic: How Overpopulation and Climate Change are Affecting the Morality of Procreation.”
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