Dr. Anders Hayden – A Wellbeing Economy: Kinder, Gentler Growth or a Breakthrough Beyond Growth? – CACOR 2022-04-20

Speaker: Dr. Anders Hayden Topic:  A Wellbeing Economy: Kinder, Gentler Growth or a Breakthrough Beyond Growth? Time: Apr 20, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:   The concept of a wellbeing economy shifts the central goal from economic growth to the generation of human wellbeing in ecologically sustainable ways. Countries that have embraced the idea of […]

Dr. Anders Wijkman | Circular Economy seems so obvious – why so slow in the making?| CACOR Zoom presentation 2022-04-27

You are invited  to a scheduled CACOR Zoom meeting. Speaker: Dr. Anders Wijkman Topic: Circular Economy seems so obvious - why so slow in the making? Time: Apr 27, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Dr. Wijkman will describe the many benefits of going circular: reduced pollution, lower carbon emissions, less pressure on biodiversity […]

Michael Way (Kew Gardens) | The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership–safeguarding wild plants for our future. | CACOR Zoom presentation | 2022-05-11

Speaker: Michael Way (Kew Gardens) Topic: The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership--safeguarding wild plants for our future. Time: May 11, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: The Millennium Seed Bank run by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew has shown the global value of seed-banking of wild plants, both as a safeguard against extinction of […]

Bruce Usher | Investing in the Era of Climate Change. | CACOR Zoom presentation | 2022-05-18

Speaker: Bruce Usher Topic: Investing in the Era of Climate Change. Time: May 18, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: A climate catastrophe can be avoided, but only with a rapid and sustained investment in companies and projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  To the surprise of many, this has already begun.  Investors are abandoning fossil-fuel […]

Virginia Hammon Money Matters: A Fulcrum for Change.

Speaker: Virginia Hammon Topic: Money Matters: A Fulcrum for Change. Time: May 25, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Usually when we think about money matters we think about not having enough, but digging deeper, the money system has a formative influence on societal developments.  It can work for or against the general welfare.  It can hinder or […]

Dr. Ralph Martin | Agriculture in the Anthropocene | CACOR Zoom presentation | 2022-06-01

Speaker: Dr. Ralph Martin Topic: Agriculture in the Anthropocene. Time: Jun 1, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: In planetary history, the Holocene was unusually benign for agriculture.  Now that we have crossed into the Anthropocene, agriculture must adapt to shifting conditions.  Since WWII, agriculture has been driven by a goal to produce excess food as […]

Dr. Ronald Colman | How Do We Create the Economy We Need? | CACOR Zoom presentation | 2022-006-08

Speaker:  Dr. Ronald Colman Topic:   How Do We Create the Economy We Need? Time:  Jun 8, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83637740828?pwd=azA1UFplTXNzOUJyQmtiZ3d6azlxUT09 Meeting ID: 836 3774 0828 Passcode: 059397 Summary: How can measures of true progress practically help to build a better world? For two decades, Ronald Colman worked hands-on […]

Virginia Hammon | Money Matters: A Fulcrum for Change | CACOR Zoom presentation | 2022-06-15

Speaker: Virginia Hammon Topic: Money Matters: A Fulcrum for Change. Time: Jun 15, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Usually when we think about money matters we think about not having enough, but digging deeper, the money system has a formative influence on societal developments.  It can work for or against the general welfare.  It […]

Ruben Nelson Transcending Our MTI Form of Civilization: Exploring the New Core Work of the 21st Century – CACOR 2022-06-22

Speaker: Ruben Nelson Topic:  Transcending Our MTI Form of Civilization: Exploring the New Core Work of the 21st Century. Time: Jun 22, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: I will start where Bill Rees often finishes:  “We must transcend techno-modernism and catalyze a personal-to-civilization-level transformation to a way of being on Earth in […]

Dr. Rosalind Warner | Post Anthropocene. | CACOR Zoom Presentation | 2022-07-06

Speaker: Dr. Rosalind Warner Topic: Post Anthropocene. Time: Jul 6, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)  Summary: Covid-19 disrupted the world and people's lives in previously unimaginable ways.  It seems likely that future disasters, whether natural or human-made, will be even more disruptive and challenging.  Some experts argue that human societies have now departed […]

Dr. Madeline Weld | Green Growth: the Mantra of Our Cognitive Dissonance. | CACOR Zoom Presentation | 2022-07-13

Speaker: Dr. Madeline Weld Topic: Green Growth: the Mantra of Our Cognitive Dissonance. Time: Jul 13, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: The Canadian government lays out plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement green energy policies, while at the same time massively increasing immigration levels in order to drive rapid population […]

Dr. Delon Omrow | Crimes Against the Planet? | CACOR Zoom Presentation | 2022-07-20

Speaker: Dr. Delon Omrow Topic: Crimes Against the Planet? Time: Jul 20, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Competing criminological perspectives weigh in on how to define crimes against the environment.  The strict legalist approach adopts a very rigid definition, while the social legalist perspective embraces a more holistic approach to documenting various […]

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