Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
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Speaker: Dr. Ted Manning
Topic: Progressing from Growth and Greed to Sustaining Values of Human & Ecological Wellbeing
Time: June 5, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
How we define & choose values, & the way we measure what is real & important, & our metrics affect what we perceive & how we act on key issues. Ted will cover some of the work done to date on Wellbeing by CACOR, the Club of Rome, & others on the concept of wellbeing & tactics to change people’s minds & get them to consider survival within the planetary system. His work on environmental planning & on integrating social & environmental values can be instructive on what works & how conflicts can be resolved.
Ted Manning is President of Tourisk, which provides integrated planning for heritage sites, precious ecosystems, communities, & tourism destinations worldwide. He has worked in over 50 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, & the Americas protecting special places. His work on environmental projects in China, Latin America, & Africa has dealt with links between policy & sustainable practical solutions. He is a full Member of the International Club of Rome & 2023-24 Chair of CACOR. A geographer, Ted led the development of indicators of sustainability for the global tourism sector & is an adviser to the UN World Tourism Organization, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, the World Wildlife Fund, & other NGOs.