Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
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Speaker: Michael Dowd
Topic: The Big Picture: Beyond Hope and Fear
Time: 3 May 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
No one needs convincing that we are living in an age of chaos and breakdowns. Even those without an ecological understanding of history feel the stress. How do we cope? How can we escape the seesaw of hope and fear? And, crucially, how can we be of support to others who are confused, angry, depressed, or filled with fear, blame, or guilt?
Michael Dowd is bestselling eco-theologian, TEDx speaker, and pro-future advocate whose work has been celebrated by a half-dozen Nobel Prize-winning scientists and been featured major media throughout the United States and Canada. Michael and his science writer, evolutionary educator, and fellow climate activist wife, Connie Barlow, have addressed some 3,000 groups throughout North America over the past two decades. They now live in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Michael’s passion is sharing a “post doom, no gloom” message of practical tools for living and inspiration for engaging in the vital work of courageous love-in-action.