Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
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Speaker: Dr. Art Hunter
Topic: The Energy Transition: How Microgrids Can Help Rebuild Ontario’s Power Grid and Electrify Everything.
Time: Jul 27, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Grid modernization and expanded use of renewable energy resources, like solar and wind, lead to the need to electrify everything to reduce consumption of fossil fuels, reduce energy costs, and build resilience for a fragile and vulnerable grid. Climate change caused by greenhouse gasses loading of the atmosphere typically causes grid outage damage that can be costly life-threatening disasters. This presentation is directed at shelter and transportation electrification and how they presently interact with the electrical utility. Microgrids are a type of Distributed Energy Resource and Non-Wired Alternatives for the main grid. This presentation addresses microgrids, their many features and how they will be utilized in future grid modernization.
Art Hunter has a B. Eng (Mechanical) from the Royal Military College and a Ph.D. (Aeronautical) from Imperial College, London. For fifteen years he did spacecraft design and was the Project Manager for Canadarm for Space Shuttle. After 35 years, he is still active in providing consulting engineering services to clients. In the last five years he designed, built, and operated the Manotick Microgrid that includes solar and geothermal energy supply with battery and geothermal energy storage.