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Dr. David Harries | Whither Accountability? So What? | 2023-03-08 | CACOR Zoom Presentation

March 8, 2023 @ 13:30 - 16:00 EST

Speaker: Dr. David Harries

Topic: Whither Accountability? So What?.

Time: Mar 8, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Accountability has become a crisis in its own right that is reinforcing the influence and impact of every other element of the global polycrisis. Accountability is broad in concept (see the Wiki entry). It is in crisis due to its universally diverse, uneven and inconsistent application in virtually every field; politics, economics, finance, entertainment, law, technology, morality, environment, ethics, health, culture, war, religion, sport and education.

The major reasons, from a long list, will be described. So What? the crisis. Does the state of Accountability deserve the attention received by kinetic elements of the polycrisis such as climate change, conflict, and human displacement? Yes, and it is long overdue. At the very least, its role in the polycrisis needs to be understood.


David Harries is a nuclear engineer who has worked in the public and private sectors as a senior military officer, consultant on personal and corporate security, and advisor and professor in heavy engineering, national development, humanitarian aid, post-conflict and post-disaster response and recovery, executive development in strategic foresight, and post-graduate university education.  He is currently active as a Principal of the Security and Sustainability Guide, a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, Foresight Lead at Ideaconnector.net, and Associate/former Chair (2013-17) of Canadian Pugwash.  An interest in Accountability always existed as some of his worst personal and professional experiences were the direct result of accountability failure. It was ‘refreshed’ in September 2022 by almost daily major-media calls for ‘more Accountability’. Those calls have intensified and, and the reasons for them are increasing.

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March 8, 2023
13:30 - 16:00 EST
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