1995 Series 1 Number 16 Page 1
This is an essay by Don Chisholm based on the manuscript entitle A Troubleshooter’s Analysis of the Human Predicament.
Don concluded that we have to modify the way we govern ourselves, the way we think of ourselves–our worldview needs to be transformed for us to survive. He suggested the people of an enlightened nation (he was thinking of Canada) could improve their lifestyles and set an example for other nations to follow. He reminded us that 1980 the Soviet Union was at its peak and by 1985 it had ceased to exist, so massive change is possible. We have the knowledge and communications capacity to prevent the whole of humanity from suffering the fate of the USSR.
Link to | Energy and the Rocket Society at the Apogee.
[The original essay, as published in April 1995, can be found at the link below. Ed.]
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