Climate change is having a significant effect on human health here in Canada and around the world. Unfortunately, as climate change worsens, we will see more impacts on health. This will have a growing effect on individual health, population health, and these effects will impact the economy. It is essential that we understand the health impacts of climate change, because they are not being discussed at large in the media currently. By increasing our understanding in this area, we can then better advocate for meaningful action on climate change. Finally, I will address some of the human health impacts, and how lifestyle changes may help mitigate the impacts.
Short Bio:
Dr. Jennifer Purdy is a member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. She was awarded her degree from the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Purdy served over 23 years in the Canadian Armed Forces. Since 2018 she has been helping patients reduce pain and avoid and sometimes even reverse chronic diseases through changes in habits and daily activities.
She is the Health Critic of the Shadow Cabinet of the Green Party of Canada.
Dr. Robert Terrance Mullane III says
How about the constant presence of geo-engineering globally?
Thank you!
Dr. Robert T. Mullane