Topic: Dr. Geoff Strong | Climate Crisis and Net-Zero Emissions Deceptions.
Time: Jan 26, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Geoff is an atmospheric/climate scientist by profession (PhD, U of Alberta, 1986, on
severe thunderstorms). He has studied atmospheric dynamics and climate at all scales since
1963, so that he is well qualified to speak on long-term changes. He retired from Environment
Canada in 1998 to pursue further research and teaching on storms and climate
change. He is a Fellow of and former national President of the Canadian Meteorological &
Oceanographic Society (CMOS, 2006-07), and has received several awards from that society.
Since 2005, Geoff has provided public education on climate change through media articles and
invited talks on environmental issues, especially of the climate crisis. He still writes research
articles, and recently he expanded this to include fictional novels on climate change, simply to
provide accurate information on the science without detracting from an interesting story. These
novels include “Convenient Mistruths” (2017) and “Inconvenient Pipeline” (2020). He has taught environmental courses at three universities, and participates in several environmental organizations in Cowichan Valley.
Despite unequivocal evidence for the human causes of global warming, every COP meeting, including COP26 in Scotland last November, has made little progress towards ending its devastating impacts. The world has observed increased disruption to the global climate since the COP25 Madrid meeting in 2019. There have been widespread wildfires in every corner of the globe, from Australia to Siberia, and especially at mid-latitudes (e.g., California and British Columbia). There have also been more frequent and more severe weather systems worldwide, with extremes of heat and cold, emphatically as climate models have foretold for the past 30 years. Earth’s climate, its atmosphere, and its oceans have been ‘energized’ by massive additions of heat energy from global warming.
This presentation also examines global climate plans, and why they are so ineffective in tackling the climate crisis that now exists, and what continued intransigence will mean for our grandchildren’s future. We review some of the climate plans submitted to ‘appear’ to provide the solutions to the crisis. We’ll use the Canadian climate plan as an example of the deceptions used to mislead the public and media, while assuaging industrial corporations from emission reductions, particularly the fossil fuel industry. The latter exerts more influence on governments than most people realize.
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