1996 Series 1 Number 18 Page 7
Don Chisholm delivered this talk to a fellowship of the Unitarian Church on or about Earth Day in April 1996 (exact location unknown). In it, he claimed ‘the mountain’ was human-made, consisting of activities and cultures. He presented the image of us all living in the shadow of the mountain, unable to see that it causes a great threat. Our society is abusive of both many of its members, but also of our environment. Like drug addicts, we may some day recognize that we have a problem, but there is a long way to fall. Until that happens, we will continue to create poverty and abuse the poor and nature.
Don explored all the relevant aspects of the problematique that was being discussed at the time across the Club of Rome and its informal national affiliates.
Notable quote: “In 1988, a commission of the United Nations looked at the human dilemma, recognized the symptoms–and instead of dealing with them, they invented the oxymoron sustainable development, which has become an ecological buzzword for business as usual.”
Link to | Finding the Illusive Hidden Mountain.
For the difference between ‘elusive’ and ‘illusive,’ see this link. Ed.
Link to | Elusive and Illusive.
In looking for Don’s background, I chanced upon this letter to him by Dr. Alexander King, the second chairman of the Club of Rome. Ed.
Link to | Alex King letter to Don Chisholm.
Dr. King’s life is reviewed here. Ed.
Link to | Alexander King (on Wikipedia).
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