By Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
“Americans love cheap electricity. We love HVAC and staying up late with all the lights on in the house. We love devices and streaming and unlimited Wi-Fi. This is one of the reasons that I always recommend a focus on backup power solutions as part of your very basic preparedness.
“Dare we ask the question: What would it be like to live without electricity?
“There are around 180,000 American families living off grid according to Home Power Magazine. This doesn’t mean they are living without electricity, but they are living on a limited supply. It is possible, in the modern age, to live on limited electricity or even none!
“Living By the Sun
“One of the first things that will strike you when living without electricity is how the sun runs your life. In less than a week you are going to spend more time living with and by the sun. You will likely not stay up much longer once the sun goes down. Of course, going to bed when the sun goes down means you will likely be up before the sun, too.
“Instead of some arbitrary bedtime in your head or waking up at a certain time, the sun will become the dictator of your day and it’s much healthier than staying up till 1am scrolling social media…”
“The Slow Down
“This may not be true if you are unintentionally living without electricity but if your move off grid is intentional then you are going to experience the slow down. You are going to experience the end of hyper stimulation through your cellphone, radio, television, billboards and any other way marketing makes it into your brain.
“In most cases the slowdown is accompanied by a connection with nature that is profound. Being outside in the sun is just better than being in a dark home when you do not have electricity. When you start to spend hours upon hours outside, life changes.
“You start to recognize birds by their songs, animals by the noises they make walking and scurrying. You may even develop a better understanding of the plants and trees that surround you. When I first started noticing the life cycle of plants, I knew I had created a new relationship with the natural world…”
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