So what kind of flowers and trees will you be able to grow in your community in twenty years?

CACOR is beginning a discussion on addressing how Canadians can personally reduce their own exposure to the risks associated with climate change.  What can an individual or community do to begin an adaptation process or strategy.  To make their home more resilient, to avoid actions or activities which may expose them to unacceptable conditions, to make changes in how they live or where they live which will make accommodation to new climate conditions more probable.

Communities like Vancouver are ahead of most in bringing their citizens up to speed on the implications of a changing climate, including more extreme weather events and alterations to the exosystems which they inhabit .  Are different planting and harvesting practices involving different crops or landscaping likely to be needed?  Do we need to be prepared for floods, stronger storms, hotter summers, more hot or cold waves,  seasonal drought or???

Over the next few months members of CACOR will be assembling examples of best practice which individuals can pursue, and also where they may be able to influence their communities to prepare for adaptation.   In future posts to this section we will keep you informed of progress and hopefully results.