How cities may evolve in relation to computationally-rich algorithmic perception, sensation, cognition and physical automation.
In this wide-ranging lecture, professor of Digital Design Benjamin Bratton outlines how cities may evolve in relation to computationally-rich algorithmic perception, sensation, cognition and physical automation. This presentation is a must view for anyone interested in a rich interdisciplinary integration of the emerging digital environment.
His recent book “The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty ” (MIT Press, 2016. 503 pages) Bratton outlines a new theory for the age of global computation and algorithmic governance. He proposes that different genres of planetary scale computation -smart grids, cloud platforms, mobile apps, smart cities, the Internet of Things, automation- can be seen not as so many species evolving on their own, but as forming a coherent whole: an accidental megastructure that is both a computational infrastructure and a new governing architecture. The book plots an expansive interdisciplinary design brief for The Stack-to-Come.
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