Dr. Ted Manning, CACOR Board of Directors, recent email exchange.
Canada’s National and Provincial parks are effectively totally closed. As most are very large and distant from cities or towns. the closure of roads to or in them and of all park facilities has in effect shut them down. If you are able to park within a few miles of them you could walk in and not be in violation but all gatherings of more than 2 or 5 persons (depending on province or territory) does apply. Most of our parks are immense wildlife preserves with full protection as no off-road vehicles, weapons (and in many powered boats) etc are ever allowed. (bicycles and canoes are OK).
One of our parks (Wood Buffalo) is larger than Switzerland and many others are large and essentially inaccessible except by float plane in the far north. I suspect that there will be little change in the interface between tourists and wildlife in most parks as most outfitters normally use other wild areas with no designation for their tours and for hunting. Even where wildlife viewing is a major part of the park experience,(the Rocky Mountain parks, Cape Breton, Forillon, Fundy) parks are carefully zoned and important habitats are off limits (at least in breeding season for key species) and most of the wild areas allow only small guided parties.
The attached article is recent on the limits relative to Covid 19 from Canada’s Parks service.
It seems that everyone involved in the travel sector has been affected by the coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic. There are an increasing number of interesting studies and articles and think-pieces that have been published on this topic. Some of these share information on the impacts of our dramatically changed travel patterns on industry and destinations, some include suggestions of proactive approaches, and some provide market insights.
This is an evolving database of over 1000 resources which quick-links to people looking for insights and ideas, and has benefited from the contributions from many people. I hope the list helps as we try to understand the implications of this massive global challenge, and move towards a better future.
I will add to this page over time, and please let me know if you have links that you think would be useful to add. For those re-visiting the page, newer resources are added to the top of each list.
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