Speaker: Dr Meg Sears
Topic: Science for Public Health and Effective Environmental Law.
Time: Jan 5, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
The climate crisis, plus increasing chronic diseases and cancers will take centre-stage in the Canadian Parliament in 2022, with long-awaited reforms to laws addressing pollution, pesticides and other chemicals. Research inspired by the Precautionary Principle led to examining Essentiality and moving to least-toxic Substitution in Europe. New approaches could help to sustain ecosystems, advance public and environmental health, make Canadian products and commodities environmentally preferred, and preserve overseas markets.
Meg Sears (PhD) has advanced environmental health for decades and, as Chair of Prevent Cancer Now, she works to “make least-toxic the norm.” She was trained in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (University of Toronto) and biochemical engineering (PhD, McGill), and has diverse laboratory experience including energy research. With skills in scientific analysis and writing, she later gained associations with medical researchers. Some highlights include: the “Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities” for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, leading to a policy under the Canadian Human Rights Act; a CIHR and SSHRC funded review of environmental, public health and medical approaches for toxic elements; three guidance documents addressing toxicants, indoor environments, and COVID-19 with the Canadian Committee on Indoor Air Quality; and rich collaborations with Canadian environmental health and policy organizations. When she is not working, you’ll probably find Meg roaming the outdoors, or “playing in the mud,” gardening.
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