CACOR will be publishing NEWS, discussions and soon, a series of videos posted on YouTube. Do take a look at View this… for the format COR uses to do something similar.
The plan is have discussions around news items so that Memebers and others can participate. All members of the Communications Committee of CACOR are encouraged to add comments and clarifications.
The videos are intended to be in interview or casual chat format around a topic of interest to CACOR members and the general public. They will be posted here with a link to the CACOR YouTube Channel where they will be available for universal access.
Do read the comments.
Art Hunter
John Maskell says
Hi Art,
I like this idea
I like the logo of the directional sign post with the core news questions on it. This is the first time I’ve seen the addition of “which” and “whose” to the basic 5W+H; good additions I think.
As to the potential, I suspect it’s dependent on the activity of the website as a whole – and much more importantly, the activity of CACOR as an organization. Only activity generates “News”. The current CACOR activity I perceive includes the luncheons and the website postings. I’m not sure that website postings generate “news” per se since there is so much opportunity for feed back on other parts of the site. That leaves the luncheons as possible “news” generators; … at a rate of one per month. At a stretch, “News” could also include what individual CACOR members are doing elsewhere in their lives than through CACOR – but that begs the question, is that “CACOR news”?
I think this idea is good and valuable contribution by ComCom to the “landscape” of CACOR. However, I don’t believe it follows that it’s COMCOM’s role to generate the activity that makes “News”. That lies in the purview of the Board itself.
This leads to the conclusion that the idea is excellent, but premature. In response, I encourage the Board to launch many “action” initiatives that can generate “News” for this idea to grow.
Perhaps the Board could launch a CACOR initiative separate from COMCOM to source all the activities that are happening elsewhere that are relevant to CACOR and ways for CACOR to become engaged with those activities. This would then provide some fodder for this CACOR News feed to grow with.
Sorry to have missed the discussion at the COMCOM meeting.
I very special thank you to you and Yasmin for all you both have done during this last year, and continue to do, to bring CACOR Communications into a vibrant reality and thereby revitalize CACOR into an organization that contributes to the heart of political, economic, and cultural realities that define Canada.
This new website has been a short term initiative to that end, and you guys, along with others, have done a stellar job. In my view, this CACOR News idea is a long-term initiative that cannot be achieved with out huge support, leadership and commitment from the Board.
All the best
Activities of CACOR members are wide and varied. For example, in September I went to 8 conferences, meetings and CACOR committee or other meetings. Any of them would be suitable for greater exposure to the membership and indeed, the Website users. In October I have two CACOR committee meetings, a CACOR Energy forum, a two day Canadian Climate Forum and a visit to an Ottawa business who specializes in clean water from the unpotable. I expect there will be other activities as well. Some of these are not CACOR activities but interesting nonetheless. I regard them all as CACOR news.
The Board views the committees as the hub of CACOR and the committees are where leadership is shown. The Board is not a driver on everything with micro-management control of activities. In fact, the reverse is the case. Besides, 3 members of the Board are also active in comcom so it is not as if there are any activities comcom gets into will be hidden from view. Creativity is encouraged with in committees, not discouraged as you seem to imply.
I would think all members have something of interest to tell other members and the Board has no idea what those activities are. And, frankly, it is none of the Board’s business what the members do with their lives. I expect there are some really interesting things that members are doing that would be most interesting to the rest of the membership. This would be the forum to discuss these matters. Informal, innovative, unbounded, creative and exciting. .
Hi Art,
I guess I’m still a bit confused about what to share. Do we share interesting articles for discussion or occasions-events that we have been involved with?