This week we’re reviewing three related ecocentric websites, all devoted in various ways to ecocentric ethics. The first, <> combines an interesting selection of old and new articles and papers. The Manifesto for Earth, in English and seven other languages is the most important article, and is well worth reading (not to mention studying!). The website is devoted to ethological ethics and subjects related to it. Stan Rowe, with sixteen essays, and Holmes Rolston III, with five, lead the way. There are sections on the Ecology of Beauty; Ecology, Deep Ecology and Ethics; and Culture.
The second site, <> represents a group active, in one guise or other, since the 1980s. This group features a list-serve discussion group active since the early 1990s. We are a global advocacy network for ecocentrism and deep green ethics. Ecocentrism is a worldview that: (1) extends ethical considerations to all components — biotic and abiotic — of Earth’s living systems (the Ecosphere), as well as the dynamics of their interactions; and (2) values non-human nature independently of any benefit it may have for humans specifically. If you wish to join the ecocentric discussion on a low-traffic list serve, sign up at <>
The third site, originally an offshoot of the second one, but now with a life of its own is <>. The Ecological Citizen is a new online journal that strives to address the central issue of our time: how to halt and reverse our current ecocidal course and create an ecological civilization. Creating a harmonious, respectful and mutually flourishing relationship with the ecosphere is the basis of such a civilization. This involves preserving and restoring biological richness, ecological complexity and evolutionary potential – as well as the beauty, mystery and integrity of Earth. One can sign up for alerts for new content, sign on to the Ecocentric Statement, or access the first issue of The Ecocentric Citizen at our website. The first issue is also available at <>
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