As climate change leaves parts of the world baking in temperatures dangerous to human life and devastating to ecosystems, the Saskatchewan government continues to resist every sensible Government of Canada policy aimed at addressing the crisis.
The World Meteorological Organization has just declared the period July 2023 to June 2024 the hottest 12 months in 174 years of record keeping. It has issued an urgent warning to all governments to rapidly reduce their carbon and methane emissions.
Sadly, Premier Scott Moe’s government is ignoring their advice.
The World Meteorological Organization can see the global emergency unfolding. While Saskatchewan residents swelter in temperatures in the mid-30s, those living in New Delhi, India faced 49 C in early June. Northwest Mexico hit 52 C in June.
Most citizens in these countries lack air conditioning. Heat deaths around the world are on the rise. They will skyrocket if manmade carbon and methane emissions are not contained.
Many communities and ecosystems here at home are suffering terrible consequences, too. On July 25, vast portions of the beloved town of Jasper were incinerated by wildfire.
Approximately 25,000 people were forced to evacuate Jasper National Park and the town’s 4,700 permanent residents now face an exceptionally difficult future.
Meanwhile, in Saskatchewan our boreal forest is also ablaze. Smoke fills our skies, posing a health risk. Last year, a forested area in Saskatchewan five times the size of Prince Albert National Park burned, while more than 18 million hectares of forest was lost nationwide.