The CACOR Pathways Report SEE has made it very clear that a new future for Canada without oil and gas as a major component of our economy is required. This must be combined with the electrification and elimination of fossil fuels used for transportation and the heating and cooling of buildings. All are needed for any serious contribution by Canada to trying to prevent global catastrophe from climate change.
The mythical notion that one can reduce carbon emissions sufficiently while permitting new developments and permits to extract new deposits of oil or gas or develop additional pipelines is just that- mythical. Gambling that carbon capture technologies will be economically viable and capable of massive carbon capture is too great a risk for the globe and for Canada to allow oil and gas developments to continue. Instead the nettle must be grasped to rapidly transition away from oil and gas production in a just and equitable manner. Wherever federal subsidies exist for domestic extraction or foreign export, they must be removed. Wherever the federal government is mandated to undertake environmental reviews before permits proceed – those reviews need to eliminate approvals for new developments. At the same time massive new investments must be made in non-fossil fuel solutions for transportation, the electrical grid, housing and other buildings.