Lender plots out new climate approach, calls out Canada for missing all targets
Ottawa Citizen, 20 Oct 2021
RBC believes the Canadian government and the private sector need to spend $56.4 billion annually over 30 years in six different sectors to meet its net-zero emissions targets, which it says is less than what is spent on health care.
The cost of transitioning Canada’s economy to net-zero emissions is pegged at $2 trillion over the next 30 years, but funds are available to finance the transition, according to the country’s largest financial institution. “In total, it seems like a daunting number, but when you break it down, it’s manageable for an economy like Canada,” said John Stackhouse, senior vice-president at the office of the CEO at Royal Bank of Canada, and a co-author of the report released Wednesday. “We’re looking at $60 (billion) to $80 billion per year, that’s much less than we spend on health care, for example. It’s in line with what we aspire to spend on childcare.”
In a report called “The $2 Trillion Transition: Planning for Canada’s place in a Net Zero world,” RBC plots out a possible course for the country to reduce its emissions in line with a net-zero emissions target by 2050 and budgets the cost of the shift.
The cost is roughly equivalent to Canada’s annual GDP last year, which stood at just under $2 trillion last year, according to Statistics Canada.