Robb Barnes has emailed a wonderful “Goodbye” to Ecology Ottawa’s followers and activists. “Thank You” Rob for your time spent and leadership skills while serving as Ecology Ottawa’s Executive Director. I hope you continue being involved in Ottawa’s community of activists as you move in your next stage of life.
From his email:
“One of the fundamental lessons from my time at Ecology Ottawa has been that ambitious environmental policy measures don’t enact themselves. What I mean is, they don’t come about as a necessary by-product of having the right answers, or sympathetic policymakers, or forward-thinking city staff. At least, not those alone. Critically, people power has been the essential ingredient to every remarkable step on our journey together. Ecology Ottawa is only as powerful as its base of support. We only succeed if we resonate with Ottawans’ concerns and priorities. That’s as true today as it was when I stepped into the library auditorium eight years ago. Whatever comes next for this organization, building on and harnessing this people power remains an essential task, and an ever-present challenge.”
So true and appropriate for CACOR!