Well known climate activist, founder of the radical climate-change organization Extinction Rebellion, has been sentenced to 5 years of prison. Why? Because he relentlessly protested against Big-Oil and fossil fuel extraction. The British legal system has sentenced him to jail while ignoring an entire set of scientific facts, figures and data.
What does Roger Hallam have to say to the rest of the world? “…In the trial, I swore before God to tell the truth. The truth is the science. The science is clear. We’re heading for billions of deaths and ecological collapse. To prove this, I presented the jury with a 250-page dossier of leading scientists’ research as evidence in my defence. This was denied by the judge as an invalid – climate science is now illegal in the British courtroom.” Rest assured, for us common people it is sufficiently clear that the power of the fossil-fuel lobby is not only immense and violent, but also can influence the entire political, legal and cultural framework of British society.