The Becoming Ecocentric Supplement of The Ecological Citizen, a journal I work with, is a special edition about becoming ecocentric, available here, has been published. Brought together by guest editor Haydn Washington, this supplement contains personal stories from eleven contributors about their own paths to an ecocentric worldview. Among the writers are several new contributors to the Journal: Reed Noss, Marc Bekoff, Reingard Spannring and John Vucetich.
From Haydn Washington’s selection: “I opened my eyes to stare into deep black eyes a few metres away. Fascinated eyes. Eyes of otherness. There was no fear, none at all. We watched in mutual astonishment at the incredibility of our ‘being’. We existed at this moment and time, and the gulf between our histories and separate evolution was gone. Behind us soared steep banks of sand and vertical orange sandstone cliffs. It was just on dawn. There was no thought, nothing but the startling desire to hang on to a connection that we knew could not last – holding on to our harmony for yet another unlikely moment […] Someone else in the group moved and turned over, and the Superb Lyrebird ran off up the sand slope to vanish into the bush. The connection across different animal realms was broken – though not quite gone. He was a distant relative of dinosaurs, the largest passerine bird in the world, and the greatest mimic of them all. I was a descendant of small furry mammals like shrews, that eventually stood up and walked as primates – yet for a moment we had been one.”
Please go here and have a look at the Becoming Ecocentric Supplement of The Ecological Citizen.
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Ian Whyte
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