Excerpt Cold Hate (Nicole Morgan, Le Seuil, Paris, 2014)
And this is where we have to go back to Ayn Rand, the one who invented the words of hatred. The history of ideologies being made, according to Isaiah Berlin, of “this meeting between particular destinies and universal concerns,” Ayn Rand arrived at the right time in the seventies to give an allegedly moral permission to all entrepreneurs of globalization, whose eyes fog up with dreams before fields of wealth never hoped for. They worship her. Legitimation of Cold Hate drapes folds of justice lobbyists of the Chamber of Commerce who call for the repeal of the law that would allow firefighters on September 11 to obtain long-term health care, the care they desperately need after being exposed to toxic fumes in the first days after the disaster. She whispered in the ear of Michael Douglas the text “greed for gain is the greatest of virtues” (“Greed is good “) that he recited with talent in the movie Wall Street.She helped Wall Street financial agents display the mock banner “We are the 1%” in response to protests from the street in October 2011, and it will be remembered that when in September year the crowd yelled “Yes” to the question “Should we let someone die who has not taken private health insurance? Echoed what his most ardent disciple, Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of the United States, once said: “Justice is relentless. Creative [entrepreneurs] whose inflexible purpose is rationality attain the highest degrees of joy and fulfillment. Parasites that persistently avoid this destiny perish … as it should be. ”
All his heavy pen novels bring to naked creators-entrepreneurs who not only deserve to be billionaires, but that it would be suicidal for the United States to want them to pay taxes that only serve to sustain parasites. Ayn Rand is at the head of a singular revolt: that of Atlas, this giant who refuses to carry the world on his back, the revolt of the rich against the beggars (all those that the state makes live or protects). Hence the title of his novel whose success is growing, thirty years after his death: Atlas Shrugged (The Revolt of Atlas), published in French in 2011, thanks to the gift of a rich patron, under the title The Strike1 (in the sense not of the shore but of “Atlas strikes”). [8]
The years following the publication of the novels of Ayn Rand continued the invectives of which she dotted her novels: losers, parasites, vermin, subhumanity, etc …Ayn Rand’s conservative talk shows were multiplied. In 2010, “53 million listeners and 91% of radio talk shows were hate-mongers. 2,570 hours of conservative speeches are programmed each day of the week to compare with the 254 hours of so-called progressive programs “…. Diatribes are aimed at feminists, gays, Muslims, blacks and environmentalists. One of the most virulent stars of these shows added to his list the mentally ill. We will only give this example, not political, but symptomatic of a climate that only worsens: “Now that the disease of the day is autism, screams the Joker.in his microphone. Do you know what autism is? Well, I’ll tell you. In 99% of cases, it is a spoiled child that is not put in its place. That’s autism. What do they tell me that these kids cry or remain silent? Do not they have a father to tell them, “Stop your circus. It will not lead you to anything in life. Stop doing your thing. Stand straight. Become a man. And stop staying on your behind screaming and yelling, you idiot “[9]
Thank you for this elucidation and these connections.