The human quest for love, power, beauty, happiness, understanding, truth, and the like can be thought of from an ecological perspective: it is enabled by (low entropy) sources of plentiful energy (food, […]
Experience with an electric car and plans for taking a home off-grid: no fossil fuel
Art Hunter explores the cost of investing in an electric vehicle and the rebates available to make it an affordable means of transportation. In addition, he shares his experience of […]
Vatican has it Right says Club of Rome, as it Works on Solutions
The Papal encyclical on the environment which introduced the idea of “Limits to Growth” in the 1970s. “The that are indistinguishable from those that the Club of Rome has been […]
Club of Rome won the IFAT Environmental Leadership Award
On 2014 May 4, the Club of Rome won the IFAT Environment Leadership Award at the world’s largest trade fair for environmental technology held at the Messe München trade fair. The […]