David Pollock, Chair CACOR Board of Directors, invites members to participate in this important outreach.
The Canadian Club of Rome (CACOR) and the Ottawa Centre of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) signed a letter of understanding in 2015 to foster our common interests. The primary benefit to date has been the arrangement for members of both to attend all lunches in Ottawa at the same price as members of the host.
CMOS Congress
CMOS this year is holding its annual congress in Ottawa. The overall arrangements are the responsibility of CMOS national. CACOR, at the initiative of Bill Pugsley, a member of both organisations, has negotiated an agreement with CMOS national which provides for members of CACOR to register for the CMOS congress in Ottawa at the same prices as members of CMOS (Early Bird discount deadline is March 31).
The agreement maintains the existing agreement between CMOS Ottawa and CACOR to publicize each other’s events and it opens the way for both organisations to feature the publications of the other.
CMOS is Canada’s learned society in the broad fields of meteorology and oceanography; it has more than 700 members. It has published a statement on its scientific understanding of climate change and the consequences. CACOR recognises this statement as an authoritative Canadian synopsis of the science of global heating.
The Board invites all its members to send this Canadian statement to their Member of Parliament, the Member of their Legislative Assembly, and the Mayor and their member of the municipal council, as well other decision-makers and opinion leaders in their community.
Please find attached the CMOS statement and a model letter that members of CACOR are invited to adapt for their audiences.
Best wishes,
David Pollock
Model letter
o Member of Parliament,
o Member of Legislative Assembly,
o Mayor and Councillor
o Opinion leaders
Dear XXX,
As a member of the Canadian Club of Rome (CACOR), I take the liberty of advising you that we recognize the attached statement by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) as an authoritative Canadian synopsis of the science of global heating and its consequences.
CMOS, Canada’s learned society in the fields of meteorology and oceanography has more than 700 members, from Halifax to Victoria. It has published an authoritative statement on its scientific understanding of climate change and the consequences.
CACOR is a non-governmental Canadian think tank dedicated to intelligent debate and action on global issues. Its membership spans a wide range disciplines, from anthropology to the social sciences. It is able to synthesise knowledge and understanding spanning these disciplines, drawing on its broad range of experience in academia, government, the military, and the private sector.
During the past year, CACOR has worked on two major topics of work related to global heating:
o a Pathways Study that establishes, inter alia, that there exist technically feasible pathways for Canada to meet its commitment to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases by 30%, but not by 2030;
o a Canadian handbook for dealing with the inevitable consequences of global heating.
CACOR has a team of members well able to offer you insight in these topics. I should be pleased to arrange a briefing at your convenience.
Scientific Understanding of Climate Change and its Consequences
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