Go for the Real Green and Gold!! A new article at 1millionwomen documents some of the most significant efforts and impact of the Olympic Games. It is clear that the games […]
Archives for August 2016
Senator Enverga
I am encouraged that Senator Enverga recognises that global warming is everyone’s business and that he focuses on mitigation, a prerequisite, I suggest, to action in a parliamentary democracy. – John Hollins
A Cybernetic Approach to Economics
Author: Robert Hoffman, Ottawa. Since the meltdown of the global financial system in 2008 triggered by the sub-prime mortgage bubble in the United States, there is an emerging consensus, even […]
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Isaac Asimov The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov’s Book of Science and Nature Quotations, 1988
Loans and Energy-saving Technology Transform Lives in Rural Ethiopia
For Kimiyaa Umar, a 35-year-old mother of six, from the district of Meta in central Ethiopia, lack of money and knowledge on how to run a viable business restrained her […]