
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
November 05, 2022
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Signup and previous weekly newsletters are available here.
The complete list of the CACOR Zoom series from
presentation #1 on 2020-04-15 to the spring of 2023
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To CACOR Members:

CACOR has added a new google group [email protected]
"A CACOR group focused on GHG reduction techniques integrated into a plan to survive an extinction event." If any CACOR member wishes to join this group, contact Richard van der Jagt or Art Hunter.
We have a new search function exclusively for the YouTube series . It is quite powerful and covers all the videos presently in our database.
Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art at [email protected].
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (

Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Jack Gibbons | Moving Ontario to a Zero-carbon Electricity Grid and Lower Energy Bills by 2030. | CACOR Zoom Presentation |2022-11-02

Jack Gibbons | Moving Ontario to a Zero-carbon Electricity Grid and Lower Energy Bills by 2030. | CACOR Zoom Presentation |2022-11-02

Speaker:   Jack Gibbons Topic: Moving Ontario to a Zero-carbon Electricity Grid and Lower Energy Bills by 2030. | 2022-11-02 Time: Nov 2, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: The presentation will provide a critique of Premier Doug Ford’s plans to ramp up the use of fossil gas for electricity generation and home heating.   It will outline how Ontario …

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Upcoming Events

David Harries | Human security: Its past, its present and a more relevant future | Nov 9, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time CACOR Zoom

David Harries | Human security: Its past, its present and a more relevant future | Nov 9, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time CACOR Zoom

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Presenter:  David Harries Topic: Human security:  Its past, its present and a more relevant future Time: Nov 9, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 8978 1581 Passcode: 522367 Summary: Human Security has had a checkered history since its formal announcement in the 1994 UNDP HDR. I suggest …

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Latest Articles

San Diego Proposes Water Batteries to Power 135,000 Homes

The San Diego Water Authority wants to light up the city even when the Sun goes down. The plan is to use San Vincent Reservoir to store solar power energy in what is known as water batteries to optimize the city’s potential for renewable energy. California cities experience warm days in surplus, which tends to provide abundant renewable resources. The recommended …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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San Diego Proposes Water Batteries to Power 135,000 Homes

YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS! even if you feel like you are

YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS! even if you feel like you are
YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS! Learning from the “Crusoe of Lonesome Lake” who saved the Trumpeter Swans from Extinction I feel helpless. Overwhelmingly so. Recently quite often. Why is that?  Today my internet is down. Yesterday I was unsuccessful in helping a student understand basic algebra. The day before I went teach in a community centre with a chalkboard 1.5 x …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Damned well better take action

His mother had often said, When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. She had emphasized the corollary of this axiom even more vehemently: when you desired a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it. Lois McMaster Bujold, American writer (b. 2 Nov 1949) 

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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Damned well better take action

What would it take to fulfill the net-zero ambition?

What would it take to fulfill the net-zero ambition?
(Editorial comment) This linked page describes McKinsey & Company's 2022 Report on achieving Net-Zero by 2050 based on transition Scenarios developed by (Network for Greening Financial Systems, a consortium of national and central banks which came out of G20 Green Study Group approximately 22016). There is a link to download a searchable PDF of McKinsey's Executive Summary. There is …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Powering Resilience: How to Design Microgrids that Prepare for the Unexpected

Extreme weather is impacting millions of people around the world with increasing frequency. Over the past decade, power outages are up roughly 78% in the U.S. over the previous decade and the vast majority of major power outages were due to weather-related causes, according to Climate Central, a climate research news organization. It’s devasting to see the impact of climate …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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Powering Resilience: How to Design Microgrids that Prepare for the Unexpected

COP 15 on Biodiversity -- Montreal Dec 2022

COP 15 on Biodiversity -- Montreal Dec 2022

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Some Questions, Some Answers—From CACOR Archives

N (Fred) Nemeth was a response to Buss Nixon’s Questions article in the December 1994 issue.  The author felt we always need more questions—otherwise there is no quest for answers. He answered 33 questions, but felt it necessary to offer suggestions for action as well.  There thought there was a lot going on in the world at the time and …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

UN chief warns ‘we will be doomed’ without historic climate pact

Rich countries must sign a “historic pact” with the poor on the climate, or “we will be doomed”, the UN secretary-general, António Guterres, has warned, as a deepening gulf between the developed and developing world has put climate talks on the brink. The stark warning comes as world leaders start to gather for the UN Cop27 climate summit, which opens on …

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Great climate change video from Germany

Only 3 minutes long of well stated threats of climate change from a German (or European) perspective.

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The consequences of the climate crisis in a nutshell

A 3.5 minute video on climate change from the German viewpoint.    Well worth your time investment.

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Powering Resilience: How to Design Microgrids that Prepare for the Unexpected

Resilience is about staying operational for our homes, communities, businesses, and institutions. And it requires preparation. The challenge is to predict what we need our electrical infrastructure to withstand. Today, microgrids are progressively being used for business continuity in the face of extreme weather. In these applications, it is important that the microgrid equipment is installed to perform reliably and …

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Just Have a Think - WORLD RECORD energy tech displacing lithium ion!

Lithium ion batteries have been the mainstay of the energy storage market for decades. But with utility scale energy storage projected to skyrocket to 2.5 terawatts by 2040, grid operators are frantically looking for cheaper, more reliable and more environmentally friendly alternatives. Now an 'old' energy storage technology has been revitalised and revolutionised for the 21st century. And as usual, …

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SpaceX's Giant Falcon Heavy Rocket Launches for First Time in Three Years

The world's biggest operational rocket provided an extra treat on Nov. 1, the morning after Halloween, with the first Falcon Heavy launch since 2019 blasting off under a still spooky blanket of fog from Florida's Cape Canaveral. Less than 10 minutes after liftoff, the rocket's side boosters returned for a successful, near simultaneous landing not far from the launch pad. …

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Network for greening the financial system has our backs

Opinion of Claude Buettner Published 2022-08-26 The great news is that since 2017 the 114 central bank members of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) have been developing scenarios to help financial, government and corporate institutions prepare for the urgent transition to a Net-zero greenhouse gas world. Their work began as a hand-off from earlier work of the …

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Scientists to look at the role of supernovae as element-makers

“Pretty much everything around us comes from dying stars,” Ashall said in a media statement. “We’re made of stardust. Being able to study that fact—what we’re made out of—in detail, and to understand where the elements around us come from, is truly amazing.” Stars produce heavy elements through the process of stellar nucleosynthesis. As stars burn, die, and explode, thermonuclear …

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Environmental Health Translating Policy in to Action

However, climate-mediated disasters are only one of the myriad health hazards from fossil fuels and industrialization. Pollution and environmental degradation from the same sources that cause climate instability compound harms. Although isolated exposure to air pollution or extreme heat can be lethal, mortality due to the combination is 3 times greater than the sum of the individual effects (3). As …

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2022, Beyond Catastrophe_ A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View - The New York Times

A well-balanced critical review of climate change.

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