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To the SEED community:
Welcome to the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome.
Everything we do to help humanity live in harmony with the natural world that gave rise to and sustains us gives our lives meaning and promise.
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To CACOR Members:
Four CACOR members have volunteered to make occasional posts into our Breaking News listing.
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Archived Articles Revisited:
This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Please share our Stay Informed link with your personal networks. That's also the place to catch up on previous newsletters if you missed them.
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Samrat Bharadwaj recently posted some creative YouTube Short videos
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Speaker: Andrew Welch Topic: Our Second Chance--Changing Course and Solving the Value Crisis. Time: Oct 18, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Many solutions have been proposed for our global crises - one of the most recent and exciting being the Earth4All vision from the Club of Rome. Still, progress is not promising. Why? Society has not taken effective action because we choose not to. …
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: David Harries Topic: GOALS FOR EVERYTHING FOR ALL (G4E4A) ….AGAIN? Maybe a Few? Time: Oct 25, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81066623258?pwd=L1M1ZUdHS1gxNVRRcnhxZEczeTNVZz09 Meeting ID: 810 6662 3258 Passcode: 890457 Summary: In 1970 the UNGA established 0.7% of GNP, or GNI, as rich nations’ target for Overseas Development Assistance. …
By KELLY MACNAMARA, AFP 18 October 2023 "Global emissions of planet-heating carbon dioxide are expected to rise around one percent to reach a new all-time high in 2023, the climate scientist behind the preliminary research said Tuesday. "Scientists say carbon pollution will need to be cut almost in half this decade to meet the world's targets of limiting global warming …
Categories: Articles, Trending
Proposed Legislation Designed to Move Us Toward a “Stage 0 System” Ron Manderscheid, PhD 09/05/2023 "...In close collaboration with the public health field, we can introduce community-level programs to address stress and trauma, while also promoting resilience and improved community and personal wellbeing. This can have the effect of reducing some of the burden on our behavioral healthcare providers. "To …
Categories: Articles, What are you doing
Here in the land of the lackwit, while nitwits to the right of us and dimwits to the left of us volley and thunder, we permit the plunderers and their political boot-lickers to continue pillaging and high-grading.” Stephen Hume; columnist, The Vancouver Sun
Categories: Articles, Quotes
Rial, the last Gaucho, begins the documentary's dialogue: "I'm going to die here, at some point. I will die here alone. Wherever I am, without disturbing anyone. I won't disturb anyone. "Like I tell my daughters, when I die if they find me, fine. But if they don't, they should just leave me. I'll be in the earth anyway..." "That's …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups
Dr. Digby McLaren, past President of the Royal Society of Canada and the Geological Society of America, and prominent CACOR member, outlined his belief that population growth, economic growth, and misuse of technology had caused the human population to exceed Earth's carrying capacity for Home sapiens. He felt there were limited prospects for a slowing in population growth in the …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers
Discover the revolutionary potential of solar paint, a cost-effective and flexible solution to generate renewable energy from any surface.
Categories: Articles, Solutions
Learn how entrepreneur Tessa Clarke is tackling the global food waste crisis by promoting sharing and reducing waste. Join the movement today!
Categories: Articles, Climate
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.
A global programme that reflects the variety of takes on climate change, how best to understand it and the world’s attempts to avert it, temper it or adapt to it. It is not about questioning whether climate change is happening, it’s about finding the best ways to respond to it. This is sharp-edged, analytical inquiry. Hard scrutiny, touched with a …
1) SOLROS • Solros system installation in Gothenb... • SOLROS – Bringing #reallight to any room • #reallight in the ceiling. 2) EcoDrain • Ecodrain A1000 installation • Ecodrain V1000 installation video • How to save energy in the shower with... 3) SOURCEЁ • SOURCE® Hydropanel • SOURCE® for Rural Farms | Hunter Vall... • SOURCE® for Homes | Lake House in Sou... • SOURCE® for rural Allensworth, Califo... • SOURCE® for Rural Farms | Australia • SOURCE® for Homes | Berkeley, California 4) RidgeBlade (preview) https://www.facebook.com/ridgeblade/v... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=178... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=194... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=810... • The RidgeBlade wind turbine • RidgeBlade RB2 Installation Non Hybrid • CW RidgeBlade Video 1 5) SolarGaps https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/... 6) Dandelion Energy • Video • How does Dandelion Geothermal work? 7) Merford DICE (preview) • Montage instructie DICE warmtepompomk... 8) blipOne https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/... 9) Wood Stove Thermoelectric Generators • Tegpro Thermoelectric Generator Water... • Devil Watt 45 watt Wood Burning Stove... • ThermaWATT Candle Powered Thermoelect... • The Stove Lite: A Lantern Powered by ... • Energy Harvesting - Thermoelectric Ge... 10) Solar Carport • Solarstone Unveils its Unique Solar C... • How to install a Solar Carport? • Solar Carport ...POWERED BY THE SUN …
The degrowth movement is seeking to directly challenge a central plank of global economic policy — that more is always better. Instead, to avoid future crises, advocates of degrowth say it is time to embrace a model that prioritizes social and ecological wellbeing. CNBC’s Sam Meredith explains.
Billions of crabs went missing around Alaska. Scientists now know what happened to them. Rachel Ramirez By Rachel Ramirez, CNN 4 minute read Updated 3:04 AM EDT, Fri October 20, 2023 Molts and shells from snow crab sit on a table in June at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Kodiak, Alaska. Joshua A. Bickel/AP CNN — Billions of …
How environmental professionals acknowledge overpopulation – and then ignore it Overpopulation Research Project Biodiversity, ecological footprint, Environmental movement, Population growth, Population taboo October 3, 2023 7 Minutes We can have an environmentalism that ignores the fundamental causes of environmental problems, including lucrative careers treating overshoot’s many symptoms. Just not a successful environmentalism. by Leon Kolankiewicz Veteran population campaigners like me have long lamented the fact that at …
What are sustainable logistics? And more importantly, how can businesses and policymakers implement sustainability into logistics operations? Sustainable logistics are logistics that minimize negative environmental impacts while ensuring the efficient flow of goods within supply chains. To enhance sustainability in logistics, it is essential to decouple the sector’s environmental impact from the economic growth it supports. As the backbone of …
For decades, Canadian governments have not been delivering what most Canadians actually want. Introduction Canadians for a Sustainable Society commissioned Leger Market Research to conduct a large and thorough poll on the Canadian public’s thoughts on what they want and what current policy is actually delivering. The results are striking. Below we provide a summary of the results of the …
The Association of First Nations has just released a strategy for dealing with climate change. Included below are several announcements going back to the AFN's declaration of a climate emergency in 2019. https://canadiancor.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/AFN-2023-Climate-Strategy_Report-ENG.pdf National Climate Strategy - Assembly of First Nations (afn.ca) First Nations Climate Leadership offers an opportunity to re-operationalize First Nations legal systems and assert First Nations jurisdiction. It means …
The renewable revolution is plainly gaining speed and impact. So why are so many analysts so wrong about the pace and scale of innovation? October 13, 2023 By Sam Butler-Sloss, Kingsmill Bond The renewable revolution is advancing at remarkable speed. In fact, the speed of the renewable revolution has defied many leading energy commentators who have continuously underestimated its true trajectory. They have suffered from …
Just Have a Think Global ocean surface temperatures are so high that climate scientists are describing them as "off the charts". September 2023 global average surface temperatures obliterated the previous record high, causing those same scientists to declare the result 'shocking' and 'out of control'. The consequences for the world's largest ice sheet are already measurable. The 2023 Antarctic Sea …