Live differently–it’s your choice!

The road ahead is uncertain, not smooth or straight, and has limited visibility.


Watch Past sessions

Paul Martin: Hydrogen, Hopium, and Scale

Nandita Bajaj on Confronting population denial amid the unraveling polycrisis

David Longworth on Preparing for Pandemics

Ted Manning on Progressing from Growth and Greed to Sustaining Values of Human & Ecological Wellbeing

Paul Beckwith on Global Tipping Points: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Julie Johnson on Greening the Heart of Education

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Climate & Energy News

Aerial drone view of solar panels in a field

San Diegans in an east county desert community are giving San Diego … Continue Reading

CACOR Groups

May 22, 2024 By Rachel Feltman & Anaissa Ruiz Tejada "Rachel … Continue Reading


“The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without … Continue Reading


Boosting biodiversity without hurting local economies Date: … Continue Reading

CACOR Writers

Change Course conference vision statement. In 2012, CACOR sent member … Continue Reading

What are you doing?

It Won’t Happen to Me Preparing for Disaster by Overcoming Optimism … Continue Reading


This is our home and we are exploring and discovering what our … Continue Reading

Our mission is to actively engage the public and decision-makers on key global and Canadian issues by encouraging you to share information; to inform and motivate citizens and decision-makers to take action to limit, stabilize and reverse demands on local ecosystems and the global ecosystem.

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