01:30:17 Art Hunter CACOR: Please put your intention to ask a question into this chat function. Precede a question with a (Q) and a comment with a (C) 01:56:02 William Rees: C: Great presentation, thank you-- conflicting meeting, gotta go. 01:57:26 David Pollock: Could make a useful CACOR PROJECT to get the game into Canadian schools. David Pollock 02:02:13 David Pollock: In terms of equity, Should we be feeling badly there is no Cranky Auntie game... :) 02:02:20 Dr Keith Kennedy: Replying to "Could make a useful ..." Yes - working with Teachers Assoc'n ?? 02:06:38 Art Hunter CACOR: I would like to ask a question 02:08:50 Ted Manning: In Canada we now have a consortium of fossil fuel producers dominating the airwaves with very expensive and well produced commercials telling us how wonderful they are and encouraging us to succeed by extracting more oil. Tactics to fgsht these?? 02:12:01 Anitra Thorhaug: Question. : I would like to know how the red herring and the "blow Fish" logic for climate change. Also how much money do you think is presently being spent by gas and oil companies are spending world wide on these misinformation campaigns? Are they working in Communist nations as well as democracies? 02:19:21 David Hutton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7s-BgfcFXw 02:19:42 David Hutton: This a video to watch later that I will describe shortly 02:19:43 John Hollins: Does misinformation influence politicians, or is it mainly those who follow social media, or traditional media. How does FF industry seek to influence governmental decision? 02:20:19 Jane Shaw: Replying to "In Canada we now hav..." I'd suggest that greenwashing legislation is making a difference in Europe, and we may be needing to push harder for that here. When I moved to BC I could not believe how much fossil fuel advertising there is, we simply don't have it in Europe. 02:20:26 Claude Buettner: Question: Do you run across a lot of religious greenwashing that accepts at this point climate change is real but explains to their constituents that it is "God's will." 02:20:30 David Pollock: Excellent presentation and initiative. Must go now but would like to hear from those interested in spreading to teacher's networks. Thanks John. I'll check out the guides. David 02:20:53 Art Hunter CACOR: From Keith Kennedy: Question I have is related to ability to 1] use this app in other situations than with kids and 2] link to the Deep Canvassing longer term approach to changing attitudes. Thanks K 02:22:08 Claude Buettner: Replying to "https://www.youtube...." Love these. 02:24:59 Keith Kennedy: Question I have is related to ability to 1] use this app in other situations than with kids and 2] link to the Deep Canvassing longer term approach to changing attitudes. Thanks K 02:29:11 Anitra Thorhaug: The money can go directly into the politicians election funds in the USA. because of all types of small corporations which can keep the identiy of the people secret. Question. Do you know how many nations can pay poiticians directly 02:31:03 Paul Beckwith: Q: Trudeau’s Liberals have a carbon tax that is increasing. Opposition Conservative leader Pierre Polievre is pushing “axe the tax”. What should Liberals do to nix this opposition, and turn it against the Cons? I would tell public how bad climate change is, but Liberals never do this. 02:34:26 Jane Shaw: Replying to "Question: Do you run..." Richard Kool at Royal Roads university has done fascinating work on religion and science denial (focuses on vaccination, but applicable to climate too). Similarities across countries and religions; the key is where religion becomes more 'fundamental' there is more hesitancy/denial/scepticism 02:37:04 Jane Shaw: Replying to "Question: Do you run..." Because it threatens religious teaching as unquestionable. 02:39:21 Hannele Kauranne: Thank you for a very interesting presentation and conversation. Have to download Cranky Uncle, Setä Synkeä in Finnish 🙂Good night from Finland! 02:40:54 Claude Buettner: Replying to "Thank you for a very..." 🙂 02:41:23 David Hutton: Any more questions? 02:44:04 Keith Kennedy: Is the application being applied in major OPEC [fossil fuel] ? Asking as Both Canada and Saudi are tied for the same amount of GhG emissions. 02:46:17 John Hollins: CACOR member Ralph Torrie article today in Corporate Knights 02:47:02 Paul Beckwith: Q: Any more COPs in your future? 02:47:08 Anitra Thorhaug: My question, which is entered above is 02:47:29 John Cook: Paul: No plan for any COPs atm 02:47:47 Anitra Thorhaug: how much gas and oil money do you estimate go directly into paying off decision makers to the view point 02:49:43 Paul Beckwith: Great work John, and awesome chat! 02:51:58 Keith Kennedy: Thanks John Cook - a great presentation and look to the App application........