13:31:20 From Michael Dowd to Everyone: My contact info: MichaelBDowd@gmail.com / 425-760-9941 13:32:20 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Michael Dowd will be our speaker next week! 13:35:30 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: Comment only. I have monitored use of gas energy 14:00:39 From Art Hunter to Everyone: I have a question on solar and geothermal being infinite 14:05:38 From Michael Dowd to Everyone: Excellent presentation, Jack! 14:06:13 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: A great summary of our dire straits! 14:06:16 From Jean Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: Q How do you propose that we reduce human population? 14:06:38 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Most of the details you provide are technical. Do you see a role for reducing material consumption through such programs as “More Fun, Less Stuff” ? 14:08:26 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question on rate of decline of high EROI oil fields. 14:08:53 From Michael Dowd to Everyone: The Limits to Growth study did not (could not have) incorporated data on Abrupt Climate Mayhem (10,000 years of climate change in half a human lifetime), which has resulted in a half-dozen (or more) extinction or near-extinction level tipping points (thresholds) that we have *already* past a decade or two ago. Do you have anything to say about this? 14:09:02 From Charl to Everyone: Where do you get your food? 14:11:59 From Michael Dowd, postdoom.com to Everyone: P.S. to my above question: The LtG study did not (could not) have foreseen a 3-5+C rise in average global temp in a few decades. (Much more in Arctic, etc) 14:20:07 From Charl to Everyone: Art I think the rich countries might have enough wealth (i.e. energy) to install geothermal and cover 10% of their energy costs (likewise solar PV). but how many of the 8 billion can (let alone will) make that investment? 14:21:20 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: By the time we have used up our yolk of non-renewable energy, will we have built a body that can live on it own. 14:22:53 From John Meyer to Everyone: The "lights have gone out" numerous times in human history but we don't have a an incorporated societal memory to act on past experience in managing better outcomes as our population cycles demonstrate. 14:23:49 From Michael Dowd, postdoom.com to Everyone: Stock up on BBQ sauce! :-) 14:24:24 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: An American Famine by Kurt Dahl as suggested by Jack Alpert: https://www.amazon.com/American-Famine-Rosetta-coming-collapse-ebook/dp/B00HKQ8522/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1682533404&sr=8-1 14:30:02 From Michael Dowd, postdoom.com to Everyone: May I ask my question at some point? 14:33:41 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Free PDF of the original 1972 The Limits To Growth on the main Club of Rome website: https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-limits-to-growth/ 14:33:48 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: Thanks for a very interesting and well designed presentation. Just a comment: My wife and I have tried to lower the size of our footprint living in a self-built, passive solar, strawbale house, drive an electric car powered by a 18.7 Kw solar array that also powers our home, grow much of our own food, have a composting toilet, no clothes dryer or TV, etc, My own footprint calculations suggest your estimate of the human carrying capacity are reasonable if we want to avoid total biodiversity collapse, allow a reasonable margin of error and live a bit better than 17th century serfs. 14:36:58 From Samrat B to Everyone: We can imagine the collapse of states, industrial civilization, global trade etc. However, beyond the collapse stage - what comes next? Maybe something better. Because people will become decentralized as a process of collapse. We will run in every direction possible. The current top-down system may collapse (as it has earlier many times) but that does not mean that all the people will perish. Perhaps people, or those who survive, the majority might become more free - even if as barbarians. What does Jack Alpert think of Post-Collapse? 14:38:41 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: There is a way "out" from unnecessary suffering: https://postdoom.com/discussions/ 14:39:37 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: “More Fun, Less Stuff” = www.sustainwellbeing.net/Key.html 14:45:34 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Replying to "An American Famine b..." Barry Bruce, No, just getting that book into our chat record. (I bought it on Amazon just now so it's in my reading list.) 14:46:59 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: We might just have to bite the bullet and enjoy ourselves. 14:52:42 From Charlie Hall to Everyone: OK Jack, now run for President on that platform! 14:53:37 From Samrat B to Everyone: Think Jack has already answered my question 14:57:17 From Samrat B to Everyone: Thank you so much Jack Alpert. Thanks everyone CACOR 14:57:45 From Michael Dowd, postdoom.com to Everyone: Thanks, Jack…and everyone! Great call!! 15:01:30 From Samrat B to Everyone: Are there new studies on collapse? As in the impact of, numbers, places - in the global north and or south. In terms of using the information for those who may need it? 15:01:37 From Michael Dowd, postdoom.com to Everyone: I’m going to go on a long hike with my beloved bride, science writer Connie Barlow, on a gorgeous day here in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Thanks, all… see you next week! I’ll be presenting on “The Big Picture: Beyond Hope and Fear”. 15:13:58 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Jack's videos on his website: http://www.skil.org/video_index.html 15:19:02 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Jack's plan: http://www.skil.org/position_papers_folder/PlanForUnwindingThePredicament.html 15:20:56 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: What Collected Behavior Creates Sustainability by Jack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPi1z1ELAqw