13:57:00 From David Pollock to Everyone: Q. My questions relates to carbon capture and storage. Canadian policy makers and oil and gas companies seem to be putting a high confidence in carbon capture. I don't see the economics or the scale getting us anywhere near we need to get to with such reliance. Your thoughts, please? 13:59:29 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: Q. I would like to know the number of employees in Corporate Knights. You are doing lots of innovative research and publishing! 13:59:52 From John Meyer to Everyone: C. On an energy basis, the EROIs of fossil fuels with CC tagged on to the end fall into very low levels. In $ metrics, renewables seem to be cheaper than most or any FF with CC. 14:01:54 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Q. How about the service sector ? Tourism is the largest sector globally in employment (even afer 2022) and UNWTO and the GSTC have a major program on greening the sector and on marketing its successes? Are these lined or compatible? 14:02:54 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: Q. It would seems it is a rather small proportion of global business that is sustainable. How fast is this shifting and, specifically, will we have the majority sustainable to 2040, 2050, or some later date? 14:04:11 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: C. Global GDP in 2022 was about $104 trillion, so the proportion identified as sustainable seems be less than 1%, though surely the entire market has not been covered. 14:05:04 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Q. How are you having an impact within Russia, Communist China, Iran, India? 14:09:12 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Q. The $1.3 trillion you identified for Sustainable Investment is an impressive number, slightly less than 2% of global GDP. When will the world reach the 8 or 9% of world GDP as suggested by the NGFS dot net and pushed out by McKinsey & Company's Transition to Net-Zero 2050 reports? 14:15:38 From Jon Legg to Everyone: Q. How do you see "the list" you have devised evolving? One about which you can be boast? 14:18:02 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: Q. When you talk about $120 B/year in investments, do you include investments that would already occur or just net new investment? Also, how much of that will be earned back by savings in areas such as energy conservation? 14:20:25 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: C. Sorry, but this just seems to be recording the transition from a “bad growth” model to a “good growth” model. The idea that growth is not really a problem as long as we use science and technology in a more sustainable matter. It does not address the basic problem of scale. The need to reduce the overall size of the Human Enterprise. 14:24:40 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: C. Hydrogen is in the same boat as CCS. We need green hydrogen to replace existing gray hydrogen, but it's a dead end when it comes to energy applications. 14:26:20 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: https://www.corporateknights.com/ 14:37:29 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Q. (facetious): Is the large Tourism industry a harbinger for future migration? 14:44:58 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: C. The economic modelers behind NGFS dot net Scenarios is the IAM Consortium: https://www.iamconsortium.org/membership/members/ 14:47:42 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: C. Moscow (yes, the Russian capital) already has 1,000 e-buses in it's transit fleet. The middle east is full of solar projects where they produce electricity at costs as low as 1.5 cents/kWh. We who have been the biggest emitters since the industrial revolution don't have any lessons to give to the less developed economies. We need to clean our act up first. 15:16:00 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: https://beyondnuclear.org/ 15:20:18 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: C. Global Minnesota's 2022 World Food Day presentation (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEUOyWdrIzQ 15:24:42 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: C. Part of the world offers sand sledding. Imagine rollering (skis or sleds) down vegetable-free mountains and valleys! 15:24:54 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Post Doom, No Gloom discussions: https://postdoom.com/discussions/