13:54:04 From Art Hunter to Everyone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83175815342?pwd=NnlwdlRURm9HYU9YK0VXRDk0ZkxrQT09 Poll #1 14:11:17 From David Pollock to Everyone: At home. 14:11:18 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: Excited. 14:11:19 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: Calm. 14:11:29 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: Peaceful 14:11:40 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: Observant. 14:11:43 From Sucha Mann to Everyone: Peaceful. 14:11:59 From John Hollins to Everyone: Relaxed. 14:12:00 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: Busy! END 14:19:38 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: 17 children was the sample size. Statistically significant? Double blind? Poll #2 14:19:38 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: 1 14:19:40 From David Pollock to Everyone: 2 14:19:41 From Art Hunter to Everyone: 3 14:19:44 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: 2 14:19:45 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: 1 14:21:37 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: 3 14:21:37 From David Pollock to Everyone: 10-20 14:21:38 From Art Hunter to Everyone: 3 14:21:38 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: 4 14:21:43 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: 2 END 14:23:46 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: C: Diana Beresford-Kruger has many good books plus films on the role of trees and nature experiences on human health. http://calloftheforest.ca/about-diana/#:~:text=Her%20books%20include%20“The%20Sweetness%20of%20a%20Simple,her%20one%20of%2025%20women%20explorers%20of%20Canada. 14:38:23 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Q: How do your studies prove cause & effect, rather than correlation? 14:42:09 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: Please put Q in front of a question you have for the speaker and C for a general comment. 14:56:07 From Dave Dougherty CACOR to Everyone: Q: Are politicians really interested in having healthier citizens? If so, surely they would be addressing ALL social determinants of health. 14:56:32 From John Hollins to Everyone: C: Thank you persuasively telling me something I had actually learned without knowing it! 14:56:33 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Q: The gases from trees are called a tree shower in Japan. Are there other parts o f the globe that recognize this? 14:59:34 From David Pollock to Everyone: Q: Having just returned from a cross country ski trip out west I can testify to that sense of well-being that happens even on a daily walk. Thanks, Melissa, for all of your energy and efforts here. 14:59:45 From Gordon Kubanek to Everyone: Q: Mega city, more population. 15:00:52 From Sucha Mann to Everyone: C: For donating natural land to parks and nature bodies, the government should make it better financial incentive than for standard charity donation. 15:03:53 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Q: Would you agree that the Nature cure fits within the 'more fun, less stuff' prescription? 15:05:57 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: Q: Elder-care facilities are currently set in paved environments. Do you have influence on for-profit elder-care facilities to plant trees and locate the facilities in more rural/natural area? 15:13:35 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: C: “More Fun, Less Stuff” sustain5@web.ca