13:43:02 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: a lot of the short term thinking could disappear by getting bipartisan committees to work together on issues of national interest 13:47:07 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Tax bad not goods. 13:47:37 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: That is: Tax bads not goods. 13:48:02 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: how do you tax services that require a lot of training and high IQ? 13:55:32 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Note that the sensitivity to increased taxes is much less than many realize, particularly in much of the world which has no real tax collection system and little probability of collection. Much of the world has little policing capacity (except via the use of incentives or more frequently bribes. 13:57:32 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: Has anyone read Homo Deus. which discusses the use of AI in the workplace? However, someone has to build and maintain those robots 13:57:50 From Jon Legg to Everyone: (Comment) I think that the Econ. & Social Council is much less imp't than the Security Council, so that the two relative powers should NOT be changed. Regarding the 2nd recommendation, changing short time frames to longer ones, e.g. 30 years, is NOT a good idea, if applied to things like the IPCC. A longer time frame would do away with the "nagging function"; not a good idea. 13:58:52 From Steven B Kurtz to Everyone: I’m for declining population ASAP! 13:59:45 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: our birthrate has been dropping for years due to environmental toxins in many countries 14:00:23 From Lalith Gunaratne to Everyone: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/545397/empty-planet-by-darrell-bricker-and-john-ibbitson / 14:00:38 From Lalith Gunaratne to Everyone: Book Empty Planet see link above.. 14:01:02 From Lalith Gunaratne to Everyone: https://www.cbc.ca/books/empty-planet-by-darrell-bricker-john-ibbitson-1.5026796 14:01:08 From Lalith Gunaratne to Everyone: CBC article above 14:04:43 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: ? Have you considered taxing advertising, or at least limiting tax credits for advertising? 14:04:58 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: According to the worldbank data, Canada has a birthrate of 1.4 live births per woman 14:17:49 From Richard van der Jagt, MD to Everyone: before this idea takes off, you have to get rid of the influence of lobbyists like CROPLIFE 14:19:58 From David Harries Canada to Everyone: Comments before necessary departure: 1) in these times of accelerating pace of change, 30 years is definitely Long-term 2) the most 'primary' material is WATER 3) India is about to have the highest national population, because of the 'combination' of two 'negatives'; falling death-rate ("silver tsunami") and falling birth rate. the former is falling faster than the latter, thus the overall increase. >>>many consequences, not all positive. 14:24:05 From Nigel Weir to Everyone: i have a comment re. a medium term view 14:25:24 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Regarding forests and the glimmer of hope that they could be instrumental in helping cool the Earth by bringing latent heat from water vapor above most of the CO2 blanket by high altitude cloud formation, here is an excellent though longish presentation posted by Biotic Regulation: https://youtu.be/Z-92A55BdVc?t=193 14:29:29 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: Taxing based on the number of employees or profit per employee might seem like a good idea, but it's a hornet's nest of problems. Profit per employee is highly dependant on the industry and the vertical integration state of the company in question. 14:30:16 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: Advertising is what funds "independent" media. 14:30:47 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: I'm concerned that reducing the sources of advertising will reduce access to what is already a very poor "independent" media. 14:34:17 From Mary Hegan to Everyone: comment for Derek re incentives (human health as well as more money) for superproductive forests, "natural" wealth" etc. Mary 14:35:44 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Derek's book is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Leap-Ecological-Economy-Derek-Paul/dp/148085171X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3RRMNTFM592P4&keywords=A+leap+to+an+Ecological+Economy&qid=1675884898&s=books&sprefix=a+leap+to+an+ecological+economy%2Cstripbooks%2C93&sr=1-1 14:36:22 From John Hollins to Everyone: Mark Jaccard, energy economist at Simon Fraser U, in his book The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success makes the same argument as Robert Hoffman 14:37:32 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: The book is also available on iPhone's Books. 14:44:08 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: An excellent book on Transforming the UN with weighted voting: https://www.amazon.com/Transforming-United-Nations-System-Workable/dp/9280812300/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?keywords=transforming+the+united+nations+system+schwartzberg&qid=1675885314&sr=8-1-fkmr0 15:00:48 From Hector E. Garcia to Everyone: Jon Legg's observations on assigning more importance to Econ Council than to Security Council seem highly relevant to the reasons behind our inability to reduce humanity's existential risks. I would add that it is due primarily to the status quo mindset, which is focused on wealth, power and STEM. Your example of student project to envision 2050 is very much on target. I suggest that Joel Barker, author of book "PARADIGMS" would be helpful in this respect. He developed a method to elicit future visions from people reluctant to see. 15:02:07 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: @John, the price elasticity for gas is low in the short term, but very high on the long term. 15:02:55 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: The oil industry wants everyone to think carbon taxes won't work. We have plenty of evidence that they do. 15:05:15 From Hector E. Garcia to Everyone: Thanks, Derek. 15:25:10 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all. Economist, John Maynard Keynes 15:27:17 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: The Devil hates laughter. 15:33:45 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: @Jon, it would be great to use the same solution to providing lighting for study at night which would allow girls to study more 15:35:33 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: @Steven, the problem is that it's the rich people who are talking ever bigger slices of the pie and that is causing climate change. We need to act here in the west before we impose anything on anyone else.