13:15:23 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q. To what extent can the grid handle a huge upswing in purchasing of EVs? What are the risks of having black outs and brownouts? What might cause such events? 13:34:55 From Richard van der Jagt To Everyone: If this not addressed in the talk, could you address the climate impact of recycling the battery and manufacturing and replacing the battery? 13:35:30 From Art Hunter - CACOR To Everyone: He will be addressing this and if you want more information, you can ask a question. 13:37:33 From Peggy Atherton To Everyone: DO YOU KNOW OF ANY EV COMPANIES THAT OFFER BATTERY REPLACEMENT UPGRADES TO EARLIER MODELS? 13:41:15 From Phil Reilly To Everyone: Can you inform us of progress, in the agricultural industry, of introductions of tractors (and other walk-behind gardening equipment) which have adopted battery power modes? 13:45:06 From Barry Bruce To Everyone: Also interested in Phil’s question - https://farm-ng.com/ make a small tractor, innovative--called the Amiga--could support small but intensively managed regenerative farms? Others?? 13:46:25 From John Meyer To Everyone: Great slide on hydrogen efficiency! 13:49:02 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: "hydrogenation" 13:50:54 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Huge amounts of hydrogen are used in industrial production of ammonia fertilizer in the Haber-Bosch process. About 30 Mt of hydrogen is used annually in making fertilizer. 13:55:45 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q. Does having tax credits in place result in vehicle sellers raising their prices? 13:57:27 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: C: As you explained, Green Hydrogen is produced by electrolysis. So my Q: In terms of percentage or some other measure, how much energy goes into making the hydrogen versus how much energy is derived from the hydrogen? 13:59:03 From Art Hunter - CACOR To Everyone: Peter: He covered your question prior to your arrival. Direct charging from solar panels was about 78% efficient, but use of hydrogen was 28% efficient or something close to that. 13:59:47 From Phil Reilly To Everyone: In trading up from a 2016 Kia Soul EV to a 2021 Kia Soul EV, I was not informed by the Kia dealer of a possible tax credit. Can I apply after-the-fact? 14:00:03 From Jon Legg To Everyone: My question is an attempt to keep the overall non-environmental challenges as large and as wide as possible. For example, although GHG reduction is very important, there are many other challenges, such as over-population, which must be considered. 14:05:57 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: Can you comment on the impact of the next gen of EVs--that being autonomous vehicles while still electrifying fleets? 14:06:44 From Walter Knitl To Everyone: Q: I've been shopping for hybrid or hybrid-pluggable by Toyota. The pluggable is being sold but actually not available for 2-3 years. Is battery availability the cause of this or something else? 14:11:28 From Phil Reilly To Everyone: What about incentives to charge on weekends at the announced low rates? 14:13:17 From Vic Buxton To Everyone: Q: What is the impediment to designing household EV charging devices to incorporate a timer to come on for a fixed time during the night? 14:15:13 From Peter Bulkowski To Everyone: Does the "reality" of your S curves not depend on government subsidies to the manufacturers, subsidies to the purchasers, and subsidies for the recharging stations? 14:16:47 From John Meyer To Everyone: Q. Japanese manufacturers appear to have lost their minds on EVs, i.e. despite being hybrid leaders 15 years ago, they have not invested in EVs, preferring hydrogen. Why?? 14:20:59 From Richard van der Jagt To Everyone: In the Ioniq, the battery is in the floor. How much does it cost to replace? 14:23:56 From Geoff Strong To Everyone: Have you any opinion as to why most EV designs appear to have a very vulnerable front end? Just a tap means a full front end replacement. 14:24:05 From Art Hunter - CACOR To Everyone: Richard: with all EVs, the batteries are in the floor. Most manufacturers make the battery and motors in the frame as one part and the passenger compartment as the second part then the final step is to bolt them together. I have no idea on cost, but Raymond may. 14:33:56 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: Have you any comment about using microgrids in building complexes and communities more broadly as part of electrical recharging? 14:34:26 From Richard van der Jagt To Everyone: Is not the number of charging stations for non-Teslas a concern? 14:35:31 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: Two brief questions for Raymond in case we run out of time: What's your personal and/or organizational opinion on the 2 seater Aptera (Beta being released)? Is the Ambri.com liquid metal battery (huge kWh capacity) scalable for larger EVs for delivery vans? 14:37:30 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q. Does having tax credits in place result in vehicle sellers raising their prices? 14:39:15 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: In my new book, Do Yourself a Favour, I referred to electric farm machinery. If we can go to hundred tonne dump trucks being electric, we can certainly have electric tractors and conveyors. 14:40:09 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: E-tractor < https://smithsfarm.nhdealer.com/powerstar-series-ppc?sl_track_id=299b6ca799b7300c27384f90f85cb5d2c30fe14abf5a68cedef13370d30d7949&utm_source=ppc&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PowerStarSeries-canada-nhpaidsearch&utm_term=large%20utility%20tractor&utm_content= > 14:40:19 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: Great interview of CEO of Ambri Liquid Metal Battery (mostly for stationary) < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRyo0Nr7CrY > 14:41:25 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Here is one more example. < https://solectrac.com/cet-electric-tractor > 14:46:56 From Barry Bruce To Everyone: Comment: if we have a large number of EVs being charged or charged, a power outage could theoretically be managed through reversing the flow? 14:56:15 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: How much longer will electricity be time rated on consumption? 15:00:25 From Peggy Atherton To Everyone: Regarding electrical supply to the grid, do you know of any condominiums tha that have solar panels on one or more units? 15:26:42 From Barry Bruce To Everyone: The low rate currently available at night is also available on the weekend.